Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have so much bottled up....
So much hidden from myself.
I would rather forget how I feel than voice my weakness to the world.
What happened to that girl who was so willing to talk?
What happened to the creativity that bubbled so fiercely below the surface?
Emotions running wild and dreams bigger than the sky itself.

I may be moody, but Ill never tell you why.
And I will scream with out explanation.

I am not here by choice, only circumstance.

Whats good for me?
The pills prescribed by a man who's goal isn't to help me but medicate me into submission?
My own self medicating?
Just one drink and a lung full of high?
Should my emotions be allowed to run wild?
Should I be sent away where no one will hear me cry?
What would Mother say...?
And how would my Father react?

I was once told I ask too many questions.
I told the teller to go shove it...
I would rather ask a dumb question, than to never know the answer.

Someday I would like to share myself with you...
But I don't know who you is.
Who I can share without fear my deepest darkest thoughts...
I would like to trust someone because trust comes so seldom these days.
I would like to love someone because I have had only one example of what it could be and I fear that it will never be.
I would like to feel like I can poor my heart and soul into someone and know they will still be there after I'm done...


Just because I want something doesn't mean it'll happen.


  1. Wow! Kinsey, you and I need to have another conversation about your poetic talent...this was amazing!
